

Quality, Risk & Issues in Complex Project Management

aiQido Services


The world is already complex and complicated enough. So we keep it simple.


aiQido offers one stop service, the one that will prove to be of highest value for you: we set up and run a project management office for complex projects (PMO-C) together with you and on your behalf. .


Project Management Office

A typical project management office for complex projects will staffed by a mix of our trained personnel with additional selected representatives from your team and be active during the full life cycle of the project. The Office will

  • Analyze environment and set-up complex projects;
  • Organize buy-in to approaches;
  • Guard progress & quality during the whole life cycle of the complex project;
  • Manage Risks & Issues;
  • Report progress to boards, executive managers, political bodies, the public, and prepare executive and political level decision making for success;
  • Run selected classical governance control processes (portfolio, legal, value, delivery, document, reporting, knowlegde and resources, financial, ...).


With this service you will be able to navigate Complex Projects from day one. The service is modular and can be tailored to your need. We don't sell magic, and complex projects will always be .. ummm ... complex, but we will bring the expertise and experience you need to enhance the chances of succes.










In Control

Your projects deserve to be in Control. We don't work wonders; where control is not possible, control cannot be gained. But we can help you optimize your efforts, and use the powers in yourself and your environment to overcome difficulties and stay on track.


Join the expedition.

aiQido is a trade name of Tracking-IT BV, The Netherlands


